12-10-2002, 06:42 AM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,133
Nice Canadians let us eat.
Have any other Americans seen the "Buy perscription drugs from Canada" TV commercial? It was on a couple times during Columbo on the Bravo channel. (I guess Columbo watchers have been pinpointed as needing expensive medications...)
"Medication is so expensive, sometimes it seems like we can either have our drugs or food, and usually end up with not enough of either."
(paraphrase on this one) "With these cheaper drugs from Canada, I can now afford to buy something for her (kisses granddaughter)."
I agree that drug prices are way out of whack in the US. I'm not saying this is a bad commercial. But it was done in *such* an over-the-top style that it had me laughing about a rather serious topic. The delivery was so exaggerated. ESPECIALLY the voice-over. It really sounded like a joke.
Plus, my discriminating ear could tell that the "American" couple in the commercial were actually from Canada - probably the eastern half.