Fido (Microcell) vs Rogers
My current cell phone contract is coming due, and I want to move to a provider that runs on the GSM network so I can plug in one of the many cool PocketPC GSM options down the road.
Here in Canada we have 2 GSM providers to choose from. Fido (owned and operated by Microcell) and Rogers. I have had cell phones under both providers, and would have to agree with sweetpete on his comments in another thread:
Originally Posted by sweetpete
In BC, Rogers has a larger GSM footprint, but I find the quality of calls with my Fido/Microcell phones is significantly higher within the same coverage area.
My fido was much better sound and speech quality. However, Fido's recent financial problems could lead to a loss of service in the near future! Which would suck .
Rogers on the other hand, has money pouring out of their butts. The plans cost more money, and the quailty isn't as nice. Of course, they are not about to disappear.
Which do you prefer?