If you still haven't really found out what went on at the developers conference held in London recently, I recommend reading Derek "deVBuzz" Mitchell's report. He's been somewhat critical towards the current toolset, but it seems as if the new tools cheers him up!
"The week before last I attended Microsoft's first Mobility Developers Conference in London. My expectations of the event were high but I really wasn't sure how much hype there would be verses delivery. I have a decidedly techie perspective of Pocket PC development a sort of "show me the code". In this and many other respects the conference really delivered! ... My favorite would have to be the Creating PocketPC application with Smart Device Extensions (SDE), ADO.NET and SQL Server CE lab session. Kevin Collins walked us through the creating the application using merge replication to grab the data from a SQL Server 2000 server. The lab equipment and organization was excellent. As you can well imagine it's no mean feat to run this sort of training session with a bunch of fast fingered developers poking and prodding the tires of your new development environment."