02-08-2002, 03:54 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2
Tomeraidit - the Tomeraider Pre-processor
Want to take the pain out of creating your own Tomeraider files?
Now you can! Tomeraidit will zip through sites, HTML, TXT, PHP, ASP (and other files) in an instant, ready to import into Tomeraider.
TOMERAIDIT recursively parses directories, stripping out redundant tags from HTML files - reformatting them to create an output file is easily imported into Tomeraider. Raw text is kept intact, so too are Hyperlinks, bold, italic and underline formatting plus horizontal rules and bullet points.
In an instant you'll be able to import your data into Tomeraider
- ready to carry around on your PDA.
You can download the evaluation from...
Tomeraidit - the Tomeraider Pre-processor
Download your copy NOW from http://www.tomeraidit.com