08-01-2006, 06:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,968
Does a DVR Boost Viewing Hours or Not?
"It seems that adults in households that have digital video recorders watch less TV than adults in the general population, according to a recent analysis by Mediamark Research, an audience-measurement firm. That finding, which comes from in-home interviews conducted by Mediamark with 26,000 adults between March 2005 and May 2006, seems to conflict with the contentions of the major broadcast networks. Researchers for the networks told advertisers in November that people in households with a DVR watched 12 percent more hours of TV a day than those without. Those researchers had argued that that tendency counterbalanced the possibility that DVR users would skip past ads. David F. Poltrack, chief research officer for CBS, said the Mediamark numbers were unreliable, because they were derived from people’s often-low reports of their own TV watching. The figures suggesting that adults who use a DVR watch more television come from Arbitron’s 2,000-person machine-recorded survey in the spring of 2005, but it covered only the Houston market."
I really do feel that my TV watching has increased since getting a DVR. Without one, I was more tempted to stop watching TV when there was nothing to watch and when I was bored of channel surfing. However, now that I have a DVR, I end up recording enough stuff that it fills up those times when there is nothing to see on TV. Do you guys find this to be a tendency as well?