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Old 05-05-2006, 04:01 PM
Jason Dunn
Executive Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Default The 2006 Thoughts Media Reader Survey - Help Us Out, Win Prizes!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to present the 2006 Thoughts Media Reader Survey! Long-time readers will remember we used to do demographic polls one at a time, but we haven't done many of those lately. As such, our demographic information is sadly out of date. Why does that matter? In order to keep running these sites, we need to sell advertising. Advertisers like to know general demographic information about the type of people visiting a site before they'll buy ads on it. And so it's time for us to get some updated information!

The survey will take you about 5 minutes to complete. Why fill it out? To help us out, but most of all, to win prizes! Here's what's up for grab in a random drawing of everyone who completes the survey:

GRAND PRIZE: an HTC Blue Angel (aka PDA2K) Pocket PC Phone Edition
SECOND PRIZE: a Motorola MPx220

Other prizes:
� 14 x $50 Vaja gift certificates ($700 total in coupons)
� a MSN Direct Fossil SPOT Watch (FX3005)
� an iGo Juice 70 Mobile Power Kit
� a Memorex 512 MB USB Flash Drive
� 20 x Microlights, assorted mix of Pocket PC Thoughts, Smartphone Thoughts, and Digital Media Thoughts branded lights

That's 39 prizes worth a total of about $2300 USD! Now for the fine print: the survey will remain open until May 19th, two weeks from now, and winners (randomly drawn from all survey submissions) will be announced early the following week. There's a limit of one prize per person. As I state in the survey, the name and email address are only used for the prize drawing - the data will be destroyed after the prize drawing, and your email address will only be used if you win a prize. Your demographic information will not be tied to your name and email address in any way - all demographic information will be compiled anonymously. I don't share my email address lightly, and take matters of privacy very seriously, so rest assured your information will not be abused in any way.

Ready to start the survey? Go for it!

UPDATE: There have been some people who weren't able to take the survey for a variety of reasons. First, the survey is not Pocket PC or Smarpthone compatible - please do the survey using your desktop computer. I just didn't have the resources to make a Windows-Mobile compatible survey. Secondly, there were some HTML errors that resulted in some people getting a blank page and no survey. I believe I've fixed these errors, so if you were one of those people, please try again. Thank you for your patience - I wasn't expecting any of these problems. ;-)
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