05-03-2005, 11:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Small-Form-Factor Boxes Get Even Smaller: AOpen's XC Cube Mini MZ855-II
"The words "quiet" and "small" usually aren't associated with desktop PCs, but a new desktop system from AOpen weighs less than many notebook PCs and promises never to drown out a movie or video game. The AOpen XC Cube Mini MZ855-II is the latest small desktop from AOpen, a Taipei-based PC company that manufactures PCs for larger vendors and also sells systems under its own brand name. It uses Intel's Pentium M processor, normally found in notebook PCs, to power a desktop system that operates at a fraction of the size and noise specifications of most desktop PCs."
That's one slick-looking PC! It's no Mac Mini, but it's one of the smallest and most nicely designed PCs I've seen. Let's just hope it's not $10,000. ;-)