10-05-2007, 03:59 PM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,067
(Hopefully) final MIDlet Bible main feature&hack&standards compliance chart published
It was yesterday that I�ve published a larger excerpt from my forthcoming MIDlet Bible (a full roundup & tutorial explaining what MIDlets are, why you would want to run them, what applications there are to do this etc.), focusing on mostly 3D games. I haven�t been lazy in the meantime: I�ve made some serious updates to the main feature & hack & standards compliance chart of the Bible. The reason I�m posting it as a preview is pretty simple: it will still take me some two or three days to completely finish and, finally, publish the MIDlet Bible. In the meantime, however, you can already check out the new chart. I�m absolutely sure you�ll find it useful if you�re into gaming or running probably the, after Opera Mobile, second best Web Browser for Windows Mobile, Opera Mini 4 beta 2. Or, alternatively, the really unique and useful Gmail MIDlet, which is far more usable than any other Windows Mobile mailer tool.
I�ve, as has already been stated, greatly enhanced the previous version published over a month ago. I�ve added discussions of ClearType / font smoothing, automatic network connection, proxies, text input fields / areas etc. and I�ve even published the source code (!) of some of my test MIDlets I�ve written specifically for these tests. (I�m a Java pro.)
The chart is HERE, should you want to check it out before I, finally, publish the MIDlet Bible.
Comments are REALLY welcome!