07-25-2007, 01:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 6,305
Celebrity�s Devices Guessing Game (III)
"We had a lot of fun with the last two celebrity�s device guessing games, so it�s time to do it again! This go round, the winner will be chosen from the entries that have at least ten of the correct celebrity�s devices named, and he or she will pick up the Tom Bihn Zephyr bag I recently reviewed, Jenneth, Matt from The Mobile Gadgeteer, Mike from Smartphone Thoughts, and I will judge the results."
Our own Mike Temporale is in on the judging here. If you want to have some fun discerning what devices the most popular among us are using, yes even the ones who get jail time, then this is for you. There is a prize for the winner, of course. Head on over to GearDiary for details.