"Strange though it may seem, mobile phones could be responsible for a massive food shortage with harvests failing. According to scientists, mobile phone radiation is disrupting bee navigation systems. The bees then fail to pollinate crops and lose their way back to the hive - a bit like me after a few too many beers. This has already happened in the USA with a shocking 60-70% of bees missing across half of all American states. Now it's spreading across Europe too, with the UK being recently affected by "CCD" (Colony Collapse Disorder)."
I wish 60-70% of the bees disappeared across the United States! I don't mean too sound cruel, I just happen to be very allergic to bees. I usually spend my summers jumping around like a mad ninja on to much caffeine trying to avoid the little buggers. Now that I know mobile phone radiation disrupts their navigation systems, I can use this as an excuse to try and convince my fiancee to let me buy a few more Windows Mobile Standard handsets!