My name is Pete Paxton and I am joining the Smartphone Thoughts team as a contributing editor. I live about 40 minutes south of Portland. I am an elementary school teacher for PE/Health grades K-5. I�ve been a SPT member since October of 2005. I used to frequent Pocket PC Thoughts daily when I had my Cassiopeia EM500 (remember that one?), Ipaq 3600, Audiovox Maestro, and Dell Axim x30. In February 2006 I purchased the Tmo SDA and then sold it for a Tmo Dash which has been the best device I've owned yet. I am married to a beautiful woman and I have a fantastic 8 yr. old son. I am extremely excited to post news and information about smartphones. I have made many postings in the members forums under the nickname �Crispeto.� Many thanks to the Smartphone Thoughts team for inviting me to join. I�m excited to be on board!