11-16-2006, 03:56 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,432
Celebrity�s Devices Guessing Game Redux
"I had a lot of fun with the last celebrity�s & their devices guessing game (I learned a lot about BlackBerrys, too), so I have decided to do it again! This time, the winner will be chosen from the entries that have at least seven of the correct celebrity�s devices named, and the winner will pick up a set of Ultimate Ears super.fi 5 Pro earphones (worth $250!!). Jenneth from Girls Gone Mobile, Matt from The Mobile Gadgeteer, and Mike from Smartphone Thoughts will help me judge the results, and as always - the list we have agreed upon is the final list from which we will judge."
While I could not spot any Windows Mobile Smartphones, I did find it amusing to see which phones celebrities were using.