I am having an problem connecting to anything. Whenever I launch a web based program I get a connection error that reads:
"Your internet connection is not configured properly. Please verify your setings in data Connections."
This error message seems very generic, as there is no category that I can find labeled "Data Connections" I have checked all the connection settings I could find from within the settings folder, in the IE connection options and a few other usless connection options.
I called tech support and they were very little help. The call ended with them suggesting a hard reset. I cannot connect viw activesync anymore either, I get an error message about a VPN client blocking the connection or something.
Any Ideas?
The only thing I have done to my Q is installed NES and SNES emulators, and I also added customised homescreens.
I would do a hard reset but I would loose my contact list and since activesync is not working I cant back it up via outlook .. is there a way I can backup a file on my Q that has the contact list info??