04-03-2006, 12:00 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,074
Steve Ballmer's Thoughts on What will Move the Microsoft Stock
Fortune magazine in a recent interview with Steve Ballmer asked the Microsoft CEO the big question, "what might get your stock moving?" And this is how Steve answered the question:
Originally Posted by Steve Ballmer
<i>"We've got companies like AT&T (Research) and Verizon (Research) driving this Internet television stuff very aggressively. If you can get a few bucks a month on a lot of televisions around the world, that's a pretty darn big opportunity. <b>Same thing for Windows Mobile, where we're a negligible player but we have real market traction for the first time.</b> The stuff we announced today has quite a nice growth profile. Frankly, our competition in the business market is more absent than not."</i>
<br /><br />So according to Steve, IPTV and Windows Mobile will offer Microsoft the much needed avenues for growth and increased cash flow. Our readers will agree that Windows Mobile in the cell phone market has not been tapped by Microsoft yet and offers plenty of opportunity. What bothers me, and I am sure that concern is shared by our readers, is that how come Microsoft has not launched the much needed advertising campaign for the Windows Mobile Smartphones and Pocket PC Phone edition devices? The only Windows Mobile advertising that I see on TV is for the Verizon Treo 700w. How come other Microsoft partners like Cingular, T-Mobile or Sprint-Nextel are not offering similar advertisements? What about Microsoft itself? For Windows Vista, Microsoft will be launching a massive advertising ahead of its launch; but for Windows Mobile a product that is real and now available in the market, we do not see any marketing campaign. Recently Microsoft did launch a <a href="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=68307">campaign in the UK,</a> but we need more main stream media advertising. Microsoft needs to generate more brand awareness. So what do our readers think will move the Microsoft stock and Windows Mobile of the shelves?