"Calling 411 for directory assistance can be maddeningly expensive. Carriers like Sprint and Verizon charge more than $1 and sometimes as much as $2 a call from a cell phone. And much of that is profit. Directory assistance "truly is a cash cow," said Saroja Girishankar, a vice president at the Pelorus Group, a telecommunications market research firm based in Raritan, N.J. She and other industry analysts said that the carriers paid wholesalers--who actually provide the 411 service--from 25 cents to 50 cents a call."
The article goes on to mention a couple new free alternatives, like 1-800-FREE-411 and Google. This just shows how much I call 411 from my cell phone because I didn't realize there was an added fee for it or that there was a 1-800 alternate for this. How many of you actually use your carriers 411 services and what is their fee like?
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