"Only Good and Cingular can give you mobile e-mail with enterprise-class security, unsurpassed manageability and flexibility, and the power of the Cingular ALLOVER� Network�the largest digital wireless voice and data network in America. Buy a Cingular Smartphone with GoodLink�. Get a Bluetooth keyboard�FREE. Purchase one or more Cingular Smartphones* with GoodLink before 04/30/06, and we'll match each one with a FREE Stowaway Bluetooth� keyboard from Think Outside. For those keeping score, that's a $149 value."
You can't do much better than this - A free Bluetooth keyboard with your new Smartphone. Wow! I have one of these keyboards and I have to say that it's a dream to have. It works great and connects with ease. Sadly, I didn't get mine for free when I bought my last Smartphone.
"I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein