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Old 01-14-2006, 03:26 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 32
Default Verizon & 700w poor choices?

I'm not sure yet, but believe I have made a big mistake in choosing Verizon as my carrier and the Treo700w as my phone. I have been a member of your Forum for awhile and was impressed with HTC products and was going to buy one of their phones. However, after googling the carrier signal strength surveys for Phoenix, and then receiving Mike Temporales kind response about the SP5 not being able to function on the Verizon system, I decided to go with Verizon's short list of offerings and bought the 700w. I did read some of the poor reviews for the phone, but the 650 had an excellent rep and I thought I could live with some minor annoyances. I only got my phone yesterday, but I noticed one thing right away. The website lists the Treo 700 as having 128 megs of rom of which 64 is for storage. The real memory that you actually get is listed as 62.95MG Storage and only 25.45MB for 'Programs' (I'm reading this right off my mamory display screen). Also, I only have the software loaded that came with my phone, and the free memory available for 'programs' is only 10.21MB with NO programs currently running!

My main purpose for getting this phone was to listen to streaming radio, (KEXP Seattle) but come to find out that it only streams at 33bps, when this popular internet station offers speeds up to 128kbs. I got a diologue box saying something about the (Microsoft) mobile microsoft player only allowing 32 MB streaming audio! This is even with EV-DO active and functioning. I could try to load other software that might allow me stream at a higher rate, but I have this MEAGER memory problem.

I just read your "Verizon Disables MP3 Support" article and it makes me want to trash the phone and Verizon. My gut had told me to "watch out" for such a huge company, but people complaining of poor connections with Cingular sent me in Verizon's direction.

Maybe old "Humpy" would solve my signal strength issues, and I should get service with Cingular or T Mo. Are there any apps that would cut through this nonsense about limited bitrate. In theory, ED-VO should allow spectacular quality streaming audio, but there may be limitations that most people won't anticipate. Thanks, in advance for anyone who has any insight on any of these issues. :?
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