12-29-2005, 05:01 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,074
Cingular 2125 Issues...
Wasn't sure if I should post a front page post. The couple of problems I am facing are not major but annoying. And I have not heard of anyone else complain about them.
- EDGE re-connection issues: This problem is tricky to define. I am surfing the Net. Checking E-Mail. And also in a car moving from one tower to another. After a little while, I try to surf and I get connection error. I go to the home screen. Hit the hang up button twice and end the data session (the little E is cleared from the top of the signal bars). Start surfing, everything's fine.
- Radio interference: It seems EDGE data transmission interferes with the radio/tv/laptop speakers more than GPRS did. Everytime there is a data session and if I hold the Smartphone in a particular position, the electronic noise from the data transmission can be heard on the TV, radio, laptop speakers. :roll:
- The power button: I know how to operate it. But it is not easy.
- MEdia Net bookmark: Not a big fan of MEdia Net, but it has potential. It seems if in the Browser ->Menu->Options->Connections: if the "Automatically detect connection" is enabled and "Select Network" is set to the Internet. I cannot browse to the MEdia Net site (http://home). If I uncheck the auto setting and specify WAP, it works. This problem has a simple fix. Instead of http://home a fully qualified URL is required. But Cingular tech reps cannot understand it. They spend hours on checking the APN etc. :cry: Can someone tell me the complete domain name instead of just http://home or http://device.home.