"There's one question nipping the minds of Canada's big cellphone carriers as they ready a system to allow customers to keep their phone numbers when they switch wireless providers: Will it encourage you to switch? Telecommunications Consultants Yankee Group said yesterday they believe it won't. And they argued the proposed deadline for wireless carriers to implement so-called wireless number portability, Sept. 12, 2007, is realistic and rational."
Realistic? The deadline is almost 2 years away! I think the big guys are worried that their customers are going to jump ship, and rightly so. I think we'll see much the same effect as the US carriers experienced. 1 of the major carriers will see a large number of people leave. While the other guys will only have a small number of people switching. Ah well, at least we know that number portability is coming, even if it's 2 years out. :?
"I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein