"An optimist might say that the jury is still out about cellular data. But a new survey has me almost convinced that clueless cellular operators could blow their multi-billion dollar investments in 3G. I've ranted frequently about how cellular operators are making a huge strategic error by overpricing 3G service. But overpricing fast cellular data is a symptom, I believe, of how the cellular operators simply don't understand how to offer those services."
This article brings up some very good points. I second them and let me add another thought here. While WiFi is not readily available on phones yet it is definitely popping up almost everywhere. I find myself quite often using my iPAQ with WiFi to check email and even post here instead of waiting for my slow GPRS connection on my phone to do it. I pay 19/mo for WiFi. Why would I pay 80/mo for a slower connection? True, WiFi isn't available everywhere but that is changing. What do you think?