03-03-2005, 06:30 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 10,981
43% of Text Messages are Spam
"This stat seems a little hard to swallow, especially considering that we�ve gotten exactly zero spam SMS text messages over the past year, but supposedly 43% of all text messages sent to cellphones last year were spam. The source of this �fact�? A company called Wireless Services which is in the business of handling text message traffic for various carriers"
That number seems very high, and while it might be true at the carrier level, there is no way the average person is getting that many spam SMS. At least not here in North America, where most of us still pay per SMS. I have yet to get any SMS Spam. I do get spam voice mail messages on my mobile phone, but not text messages. Do any of you get spam?
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