01-01-2005, 08:16 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 9
Does your text disappear?
Hi All! I am very new to all this. Santa brought me a 220 and I LOVE it! I've learned so much from this forum so I thought I would come to you guys with a question. I do alot of text messageing on my 220 and I've noticed that at times, the text disappears. It is always in iTAP as I'm approaching the right side of the screen. Part of the word that I'm typing just goes away. I can usually get it to re-appear by hitting the back key a few times or spacing ahead but it is a real pain. Is this a software glich or should I take the phone back. I can probably live with it as long as it doesn't indicate bigger problems ahead. Please advise and keep sharing all the great info. Newbies like me really thrive on it!!
Happy New Year!