12-30-2004, 12:11 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 5
MPx220 Camera some of what�s wrong
The 1.2 megapixel camera is ok as long as you don�t use the zoom feature. Once the digital zoom is used the picture will blur. I am not sure if this is a compression problem or a software problem. I think it�s a software problem since digital zoom interpolates the picture. The single JPEG compression format is ok for email pictures. More compression formats for higher quality would be great. The cameras automatic software settings are garbage. They work ok in outside sunny to semi cloudy light as long as no zoom feature is used. Indoors the settings need to be manually tweaked. So Forget about the zoom . And so much for automatic. The flash is a LED. It�s ok, for using it for fill. Taking a picture in anything under normal bright light. the flash won�t cut it. Since most camera flashes are only good to 6' this one is much less.
I don�t know why Motorola bragged about the 1.2 megapixel camera when they installed such crummy software. Any picture taken with zoom, or indoors is seeing through cataracts. Blurry and Undistinguishable.
Here�s the situation your driving down the street and see Osama Bin Laden. You snap a picture with you�re handy dandy MPx220 to send to the FBI, or CIA. Expecting to collect the 25 million dollar reward. Your picture is so blurred that no mater how good the tech�s are. They are not going to be able to confirm it�s him. You�re SOL. And Motorola has let the #1 terrorist escape again.
Hello Moto �snap a picture and enjoy the blur�.