12-29-2004, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 17
Best way to contact Moto to get the latest ROM??
I received what I asked for for the Holidays, an MPx220. I have a family relative who works for Moto and was able to purchase it thru his EPP for someone else to give the phone to me. I figured it was safe to buy one now since I've been reading about the 1.3 ROM, especially buying it directly from the source, Moto. Well, I was wrong and the phone came with the .342 ROM...
Anyways, I need the best way to contact Moto so I can arrange to have the phone sent in to get it flashed up as I've read about other people doing on this board.
I tried calling the 800 number located in the user manual, but it just takes you in loops and I couldn't find a way to talk to a real person. If someone could give me a phone number or an e-mail address so i can talk to someone about getting my phone fixed, that would be great.
Thanks for any help provided...