AT&T Wireless Offers "Unlimited PDA Plan"
Six months after becoming the first North American carrier to offer a Windows Powered Smartphone, AT&T Wireless in now offering an unlimited data access plan for less than $50.00 per month. Qualifying voice plans can receive unlimited data access for $44.99. Otherwise, the plan is $49.99. See the letter posted at Mobile Gadget News for more details.
I'm very happy to see AT&T bring their data plan pricing closer to Earth. Someone correct me, but I believe this brings their pricing in line with Verizon. It's still more than what T-Mobile customers will pay, though. It seems to me that mobile data access plans are still viewed as something for business customers and are priced accordingly. Consumers pay $50 or less for broadband Internet access at home, I don't think paying that much for mobile data will prove very popular.
David McNamee
Office Platform Specialist, Microsoft Corp.