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Old 03-04-2004, 06:23 PM
Jason Dunn
Executive Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Default WSJ: "European Smart Phone Is Trim and Sharp, But Poor on E-Mail"

"In cellphones, as in so many other things, Europeans are different from Americans. I was reminded of this again last week in France, where I attended the world's biggest cellphone conference and exhibition, an event called the 3GSM World Congress. What I saw at the show was an impressive display of cellphone features and designs. Many of these advances are unavailable in the U.S., where we have crippled our wireless phone system by failing to adopt a single transmission standard and by handing too much power to slow-moving wireless carriers."

Once Walt finishes his tongue-lashing of North American carriers (a well-deserved one too, I might add), he talks about the Sony Ericcson P900. He likes a few things about it, but Walt's a keyboard man, and if a device doesn't have a keyboard, well, Walt doesn't like that. It's a fair criticism, because if you're going to respond to email with anything more than one or two words, you want to have a keyboard. The P series has always blurred the line between PDA and smartphone - it has a touch screen, so I've always considered it closer to a PDA than a smartphone, but Sony Ericsson makes phones, so it has a phone's general design. I don't like the OS or UI all that much (I found it pretty confusing), but I'll say this much: Sony Ericsson knows how to design good-looking hardware.
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