I'm ready to dump iOS
Beautiful hardware stuck with an outdated (from my perspective of 4 years with it) UI. I've tried hard to like Android OS. Both on phones and tablets. Loved the big display on the Infuse 4G I had and the great resolution on the 8.9" Galaxy Tab I also had. Android is very customizable and enjoy the widgets but it's still . . . . klunky. It reminds me too much of Linux. Apps lack polish and consistency. Bordering on cartoonish at times. Don't get me started on font rendering. That brings me to WP7. The concept of tiles is growing on me. I especially like the progress being made on Windows 8. I watched every bit of video I could find from CES that had to do with W8. This afternoon I went to the local AT&T store to check out their WP7.5 phones. Between the Samsung Focus S and the HTC Titan I preferred the Focus S. The Titan is a nice phone but it's just too big and heavy for my taste. WP7.5 was smooth and responsive on the Focus S. The amount of horizontal scrolling required will take some getting used to but it wasn't bad. Mobile IE displayed an odd behavior though. Whenever I opened the app it seemed like screen brightness dimmed. I looked in the app settings but did not find anything for this. Odd that it would do that. Is this typical ? A more general question, has anyone here moved from an iPhone to a WP7 phone ? Thoughts ?
27" iMac 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 8GB RAM
16GB LTE iPad3, 13" Macbook Air Core i5 w/128GB SSD
iPhone 4S (16GB), AppleTV 2.0