Amazon Black Friday Deal: Any Smartphone for a Penny!
"Though brick-and-mortar stores might wait until after Thanksgiving to bring discounts into effect, online retailers are kicking things off earlier with sales and special deals going on all week. Amazon is among them with its latest deal that will see all of its Sprint, Verizon and AT&T smartphones reduced to just a penny." 
It's no joke people! Sure, you need a new contract but 0.01 is all you pay for any Android (maybe other) Smartphone! I checked and it not only has old faithfuls like the Droid Incredible 2, Atrix, and Nexus S 4G but it includes brand new high-end models like the HTC Rezound and Droid Razr! If you're in the market for a new Android Phone you need to check this out now! The deal is good through CyberMonday - November 28.