The homebrew community has been hard at work bringing some of the functionality to WP7 that we've taken for granted under Windows Mobile. Case in point is this new app that allows you to record your WP7 screens onto a PC sans wires. This would be useful for instance, if you're a corporate IT guy trying to teach executive doofus types how to manage their WP7 phones.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."
Unfortunately, the XDA forum thread this is on is for fairly knowledgeable developers, so there's no description of how to install this. My suspicision is that this would need to be 'side loaded' using something like the Chevron tool.
It would be cool however, if they could turn this into a 'Marketplace-able' app, since it would allow us reviewers to get some respectable screenshots of apps, etc. without having to resort to taking pictures of screens with a camera.