HTC Flyer Launching in April in the UK
"It's different in a number of ways: it's packing a single-core CPU (though 1.5 GHz is still snappy); it's running Gingerbread with Sense UI, with Honeycomb coming in Q2; it has a stylus and a number of handwriting/note taking features (hence the codename Scribe); and, it will be launching with the OnLive gaming service" 
HTC's Flyer tablet will be launching soon (sometime in April, most likely) in the UK. Pricing is a bit high compared to the other tablets coming out, but the £500.00 (about $813 USD) is marked a preliminary price, so we can only hope that it drops quite a bit. No word on a US launch, but can it be too far behind? This tablet seems to buck the trend of most of the newer tablets coming out with a single-core processor, Gingerbread, and a stylus, but it looks intriguing nonetheless. Anyone excited about this device, or are you waiting one of the others on the horizon?