A Users' Perspective Of Windows Phone 7: 3 Month Report Card
"As of today, the smartphone platform has been on sale for exactly three months-long enough for things that felt like minor flaws at the time to develop into fatal, infuriating, carbuncles. I've been using it since launch on a range of handsets: how does it stack up now that the new gadget glow has worn off? Is it still a platform with promise, able to hold its own against the competition? Or are its widely publicized flaws and omissions crippling in longer-term use?" 
Peter Bright of ArsTechnica has provided a three-month update on his experience with the Windows Phone 7 platform. It is a most interesting read. Bright begins by commenting on his opinion of the platform from a very practical perspective - he believes that the platform can get the basics of a smartphone platform (e-mail, search, browsing) done, and done well. He also finds that after three months of use Microsoft can be commended for designing a user interface with a nice balance of animations and utility. He finds Bing searches very effective, and is impressed that third party apps are adhering to Metro user interface concepts in many cases. It's not completely rosy of course. He finds searching in Zune and Marketplace less then effective, there are long load times for some third party apps, and the lack of multi-tasking causes performance issues in day-to-day use. One of his conclusions sums things up his impressions well: "Three months on, there's no doubt that Windows Phone 7 works well on a day-to-day basis. The interface and design aren't just eye-catching razzamatazz. They're well-thought-out, functional, sensible pieces of design, marrying form with function. The platform's beauty is more than skin deep". There's more to read, but what has caught my attention is that his experience has been mostly positive, and he clearly likes the platform after extended use. The Total exXperience Index reading for him seems to be trending in a positive direction. It will be interesting to read his thoughts after the first software update.