01-22-2011, 05:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 202
Washed iPod... again.
A few months ago, my wife tragically washed my iPod Nano 1G. It was not fun, considering that I was saving every penny I could find to buy her a new Nano 6G. Christmas day came around, and I was able to scrape up enough to buy her a red iPod Nano 6G. What was even better was that she pulled out a blue Nano 6G for me as well.
Last Saturday, her new Nano 6G went into the wash. It was totally a team effort. Two minutes after the cycle started, we realized it was in a jeans pocket and raced into the laundry room. I shook the water out, threw it in a bag of rice, and left it on top of our warm water heater.
A week later, and I just pulled it out of the bag and powered it on. Everything works, which is a miracle, except the backlight. Completely dead. Like I thought, a restore did nothing.
So I have some options.
1. Take it to the Apple Store and claim the backlight quit working. Not only is that stealing, I'm sure these little guys have moisture sensors.
2. Contact Apple and have it repaired, which will cost $80 according to their chart.
3. Buy my wife another iPod Nano.
The last two options really aren't doable, as I'm working and going to school full time, AND we have a baby on the way. I'd fix it myself (remember the 1G Nano? Had replaced the screen myself two nights before the first washing incident) but I can't locate parts anywhere. Has anyone sent their iPod into Apple for repairs?
This whole thing just makes me sick.
Joel Crane