Just finished watching the keynote. My first thought is (actually every time I see Ballmer on stage) they desperately need a new front man to give the keynote. Second thought is I hope execution is better than the presentation. Admittedly I'm used to Apple's well rehearsed and slick keynotes but this one was terribly boring. Most of the people on stage would have froze if the teleprompter failed. Pretty obvious that some of the presenters had not spent much (if any) time rehearsing. Which is a shame because I like the look of the tablets and the concept of the touch cover. Speaking of that cover . . . it was amazing how much time was devoted to it and not once were we shown it actually being used to type anything. I also came away with the impression that these tablets are going too be expensive even in the cheapest configuration. Ballmer needs to get out of the way and let the company grow IMO.
27" iMac 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 8GB RAM
16GB LTE iPad3, 13" Macbook Air Core i5 w/128GB SSD
iPhone 4S (16GB), AppleTV 2.0
Last edited by Macguy59; 06-21-2012 at 09:02 PM..