Originally Posted by MadSci
This is Rumor Control:
This is a potential issue for ALL cell phones! Tried to stuff iOS 5 onto your iPhone 2 lately? As for Android, it matters little what Google does, as the Carriers lock things down and then delay or simply abandon the idea of upgrading devices all together. Look it up and you will find that the overwhelming majority of Android devices are now 3 generations away form eating their Ice Cream Sandwiches.
Umm, the iPhone 3g (2nd one), was released 3 full years before ios5. That's hardly comparable to the current situation with the Lumia 900 and a fall release date for WP8. Your statement regarding Android is patently false. A vast marjority of Android devices are currently running version 3.XX of the software, just one major version old, and almost every high end phone has been promised an upgrade to 4.xx. When you say 3 generations, you make it sound as though most Androids are running version 1 of the software, which is probably less than 1% at this time.
Would it be that hard for Nokia/MS to come out and say they plan on supporting the Lumia 900 with the next version? I don't think so, and it would do a whole lot to assure some of us thinking of buying the device that it's not a poor investment. My point is that this is a whole new OS, with a tiny market share, why wouldn't they say so, unless they aren't planning on doing so?