08-31-2011, 01:34 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 412
I went for the 13" MBA, too. I really wanted the tiny form factor of the 11", but the added battery life and the fact that I'm no longer a 25 year old meant I wanted the better readability of a larger screen even with the same resolution.
It took me forever to the make the decision. Conventional wisdom is that if you want a tiny laptop, go with the 11 MBA, if you want the 13" screen, go with MBP. But I think the 13 MBA fit the bill as a nice compromise. I'm loving the portability compared to a regular wintel laptop.
As for added monitors, that's almost never and option for me. The laptop is for travelling, visiting clients and speaking engagements. If they do have a spare monitor, it's not usually anything better than a 17" lo res thing with 12 blown pixels. And a flicker .
This is my first mac and I'm really loving it.