Originally Posted by ptyork
...but given Comcast's complete inability to publicize their policies (only in a hard to find FAQ page), to provide ANY form of proactive monitoring or warnings, or to even tell the poor fellow WHAT kind of traffic had caused him to go over his limit, I think I'd have been in exactly the same position. The evil here is not bandwidth caps, per se, it is Comcast's implementation of bandwidth caps and their draconian two strike policy.
I found this as the #3 result in Google, so I don't think it's impossible to find, but I do think they should have some sort of pro-active way of alerting a customer when they're getting close to going over their cap. The unforgivable part is how they terminated his account without giving him an option to simply pay more for his usage. That's the part that makes no sense to me. Why give up thousands of dollars over the life of a customer? It's idiotic to lose a customer when they could have instead charged him a few bucks for the overage. It seems like they don't have a higher data cap though, and that's another problem. With my ISP, if I use up my data cap, they bump me to the next tier and charge me for that usage (another $10 or so). It's a fair system.
There's no need to call me an apologist though - I'm not defending Comcast, I'm asserting that in our modern age of data caps, people can't afford to wallow in ignorance about their data usage if they're doing data-intensive activities. My mom and dad don't have a clue about data usage, but they don't do anything data intensive. This guy was using an online backup service and is savvy enough to shoot in raw and rip to lossless audio files. He's not an average consumer, so I don't have much pity for him. He should have educated himself after Comcast got on his case the first time.
I'm with you on the cell phone overages and roaming fees though; it's completely unethical that they don't contact he customer or even suspend service once the bill gets to a certain point (say, 4x above the average monthly charge for that customer).