WP7 Connector Hack Opens Up Mac Syncing To Zune HD

Zune HD finally comes to the Mac! Well, sort of... ZuneBoards' nate8nate sniffed out a hidden setting in the Mac version of Windows Phone Connector that allows the ZuneHD to sync just like a Windows Phone device. Surprisingly, the hack is pretty simple (setting the boolean value ZuneEnabled to true), which also likely means there's a reason this was turned off. At the moment it's ZuneHD-only and wireless syncing isn't quite there, but very cool nonetheless. nate8nate says that the latest version has much more Zune-related stuff than the first release, suggesting that Microsoft is inching towards full Zune/Mac compatibility. The real question is whether this changes the game or is just a nice-to-have in the larger Zune strategy.