01-13-2011, 05:05 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 740
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
I figured I'd weigh in here...for over a year I was using an HD2, and while I'd proudly proclaim that it's the best Windows Phone I'd ever used up until that point, it still had lots of problem. I had virtually no third party software installed, but the device would often become sluggish and non-responsive. It seemed to actually get a bit worse after the most recent ROM upgrade. Doing something simple like sending a text message felt slow and ponderous - and that on-screen keyboard....bleh. It sucked.
Now when I compare that experience with my LG Quantum, there's simply no contest. I can check email, send a text, or hop on the Web at least 3x faster than I could with my HD2. Sure, I give up a lot of power-user features...no tethering for me, no file system, etc. But I also get great Zune synching for my media files, which is important to me. Windows Phone 7 isn't a magically perfect platform for me, but I feel like, all in all, I gained more than I lost when I retired my HD2.
I think most of the slow down you experienced were related to Sense; I got rid of it and never got delays.
As for WP7 I have mixed feelings: I have used a HD 7 for three months now and all its shortcomings are more amd more affecting my daily experience: I noted that browsing internet is slower with the HD 7 and I use the same provider, T-Mobile, and I am in the same location; the issues with a "primitive" calendar, the need to use Zune software, of course lack of tasks and categories and many other small details have made me interested to see what the iPhone 5 will bring on the table, while waiting and see what kind of updates MS will bring and how fast.