Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
The power of a harmony remote is the macros - you get "Tasks" that fire up all your gear in order. It's good stuff.
I get that. I've used various such products before, such as the NEVO built into some HP Pocket PCs, including buying a Palm long ago, just to use a third party remote control function. What I never could do is go directly to a particular input, if that function wasn't provided in the product's inherent control functions. The macro could say, hit source, hit down, hit down, hit enter, navigating down a list, but there was no way to say, hit source, hit HDMI2. The first macro only works if I am on TV when I start. Certainly direct access to particular inputs would be a device feature, but none of the TV/Monitors I have seem to support that. Might be undocumented and Harmony can take advantage of it, just never considered that. Would be cool if it could.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.