11-01-2010, 08:06 PM
Editorial Contributor
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,411
Well, it started out good, expaining the difference between the motorcycle (Slate) and bicycle (iPad) then somehow he went off on how the Slate (motorcycle) is old school, a product of the past, unimaginative, built for a niche, while the iPad (bicycle) is fresh, innovative, the new paradigm, and right for everyone. Somehow he lost his analogy to point out that while "I like PCs and use one every day", the Slate is just another one of those tired old PCs "where some suit ordered the engineers to come up with an answer to the iPad to fill a perceived hole in the company�s soup-to-nuts lineup of computing devices."
Didn't seem all that well balanced to me. The balanced part was that HP chart you provided.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.