Integrate Zune with Windows Media Center
"Are you a Zune owner who prefers the Zune player for media playback? Today we’ll show you how to integrate the Zune player with WMC using Media Center Studio. You’ll need to download Media Center Studio and the Zune Desktop player software. Also, make sure you have Media Center closed. Some of the actions in Media Center Studio cannot be performed while WMC is open." 
Zune and WMC seem destined to coexist, but somewhere along the way the two haven't been integrated as well as most people had hoped. Luckily HowToGeek has a nice writeup on getting the two to play nicely by adding a Zune player tile to your WMC installation. It's not perfect, and the player still opens in its own window, but at least you'll be able play your Zune collection with most WMC remotes without leaving the experience. Give it a try and let us know how it works for you in the comments.