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Old 01-28-2010, 06:19 AM
Sven Johannsen
Editorial Contributor
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,411

Originally Posted by griph View Post
Interestingly I had a 3G that I upgraded to 3.0 - and it was fully functional and had many of the new features - well worth the �0 cost!
Gee, so did I. And what earth shattering enhancements did you get? Not saying I got nothing out of the upgrade, but it wasn't a WM 5 to 6 or even 6.1 to 6.5ish upgrade. Keeping in mind that Apple is one company, with one device and one carrier, the upgrade problem is significantly simpler.

but it would be nice to be able to have a choice of either upgrading hardware or just firmware
Won't dispute that, but why do you feel put out when you aren't provided with that opportunity? When Ford added sync to their product line, they didn't call me and say, hey bring you car in, we'll add it. When BLU-Ray players came out, Panasonic didn't call me and offer to upgrade my player. When I upgraded my PC to Win7, I lost capability on some printers and scanners, because their manufacturers didn't choose to provide (develop) new drivers. I was incensed. These products that had Win2000 and XP drivers on their CDs should be supported through Vista and Win7 shouldn't they? Of course they should. The OEM should invest development dollars into a product they haven't sold in 5 years. So yea, you can upgrade your desktop, but it isn't always without issues.

Then the phone model is totally different than the pc model. Try to remember that your beef is with the hardware manufacturers and carriers, not MS. If you have an HD2 or TD2, it is HTC that is not offerring you a WM7 update (if they don't) not MS. If you have a Pure or Tilt II blame AT&T. That is who produces, and controls, the build that goes on your particular hardware. MS can't provide a tailored version for every device out there, technically or legally. That's just the reality of the WM landscape. Starting to look like the Android landscape is going to see some of the same issues. Who knows, maybe if we see a Zune-phone, it may be structured more like the iPhone, one device, one vendor (MS), no choice.
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