Congratulations on the new (old) site Jason and staff! It's funny, I've been away for quite awhile as I ended up with a work provided BlackBerry and passed my old HP5555 on to my wife who uses it as a gaming device.
I finally got fed up with the BlackBerry and the Sprint "NOT" Now network and moved back to WinMo and AT&T with a new HTC Tilt 2! I've had it since Sunday but this has been the first chance to get online and look around for a site and my first thought was to come back to the "Thoughts" sites. Lo and Behold, I find WindowsPhoneThoughts!
I like the new design and like the others I started out on PPCT and added in SmartPhone Thoughts when I bought my "Star Trek" phone so it's only fitting that I have a WindowsPhone to go with the new site.
Looking forward to participating here and getting "back in the groove"
Again congratulations!
Red Zune80 / HTC Tilt 2 / Nook / iPad 16GB WiFi