09-17-2008, 09:36 PM
Editorial Contributor
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,411
Who are you addressing? 2.5 mm come in various flavors. Tip Ring Sleeve, could be mic, ear, common (pretty common) or left ear, right ear, common (not so common for 2.5. There aren't many just stereo headphones for 2.5mm. Tip, ring 1, ring 2, sleeve, are usually mic, left ear, right ear, common, but no guarantees on either arrangement on which is left and right, or mic for that matter. These things are very common on cell phones.
3.5mm also come in similar arrangements, but the mic, ear, common is not near as ususal. Tip ring sleeve is normally L, R, common for just stereo out. Some PDAs have tip, ring 1, ring 2 and sleeve wired to L, mic, R, common such that you can plug a Tip, Ring, Sleeve, stereo headphone into the 4 conductor jack and get the right connections for stereo listening, or plug in a 4 conductor headset/mic and get audio in and out.
While 3.5mm stereo arrangements are pretty consistant, and 3.5mm stereo headset/mics have to be to allow using just headsets, I've found the 2.5mm variety aren't as standardized. So..a 2.5 to 3.5 adapter can easily be wired incorrectly for a particular device.