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View Full Version : The Night I Crashed Windows 7 Nine Times in a Row

Jason Dunn
11-06-2009, 09:00 PM
<p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/dht/auto/1253725219.usr1.jpg" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>On the whole, I'm really enjoying Windows 7 - I've migrated eight of my computers over to Microsoft's latest operating system, and it's working great on all of them. As you can tell from the above screen shot, however, I hit a snag with one of the systems. You'll never believe what caused the problem though: <em>a font</em>. I'd installed Windows 7 on a brand new Intel Core i7-based media machine (yes, an article is forthcoming) and it was running smoothly. I had a bunch of fonts I wanted to install, so I grabbed them all and dragged them into the font folder. They were installing, when all of a sudden bam, my system blue-screened (BSOD). I was shocked, and initially thought it was a problem with my aggressive overclock (I pushed the Core i7 920 CPU from 2.66 Ghz up to 4.2 Ghz) even though I'd torture tested the system for days without a problem. I clocked my system back to normal, and tried to install the fonts again - and bam, it crashed again! <MORE /></p><p>Now I was really curious because it seemed like a font was taking down the whole operating system. <em>A font</em>? I've never encountered such a thing. There's only one way to troubleshoot a problem like this: out of the 400 or so font files I was trying to install, I grabbed 50 of them, and tried to install them, deleting each group of 50 as I went. When I got to the group of 50 that caused the crash, I narrowed the groups into smaller and smaller pieces: 25, 10, 5...all the while triggering BSODs. By the end of this process, I had crashed Windows 7 nine times:</p><p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com//dht/auto/1253725206.usr1.png" style="border: 1px solid #d2d2bb;" /></p><p>And the font that caused all this trouble in the end? A ridiculous wingding-style font called <strong>AmphibiPrint AOE</strong> - it's a font full of frogs, lizards, etc. I certainly didn't need to have that font installed - and was surprised it was even in my group of fonts to install. How can a single font take down a whole operating system? I have no idea. But if you happen to be installing fonts and your Windows 7 computer crashes, now you know why...</p>

11-07-2009, 05:22 AM
How very interesting indeed! Were you able to install all of your other fonts? Or did other ones also give you grief?

Jason Dunn
11-07-2009, 08:20 PM
How very interesting indeed! Were you able to install all of your other fonts? Or did other ones also give you grief?

All the other ones went on fine - it was literally just this one font.