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View Full Version : Zune Gains On The Web

David Tucker
06-25-2008, 01:00 PM
<em>&ldquo;Apple may still hold the market share for internet searches, but Microsoft is catching up with it&rsquo;s Zune. New data shows that Zune&rsquo;s internet traffic increased 184% since May 2007. Just take a look at these tables of the percentage of unique visitors in millions.&rdquo;<br /></em><br />Now, granted, 184% of not much still ends up being not much. But this is great for several reasons. The first is simply that I feel this shows the Zune is healthy. Maybe I wouldn&rsquo;t exactly call this thriving but it is at least expanding its user base. Additionally I think that the improved social website probably has a lot to do with the increase. There&rsquo;s actually a reason to go there.<br /><br />Of course if this type of growth rate can sustain itself for any length of time, the Zune will move itself out from the shadow of the iPod eventually. One can always hope! Check out how the Zune stacks up over at <a href="http://blog.inspiretech.com/?p=345">InspireTech</a>.

06-25-2008, 01:24 PM
I think Microsoft needs to come up with a beep or something that alerts when other Zunes are nearby. If this web traffic indicates that people are out there getting Zunes, then how come I never come across someone with one?

David Tucker
06-25-2008, 06:02 PM
That's actually not a bad idea. I would like if there was a way to have a zune proximity detector :)

06-25-2008, 06:36 PM
No doubt Zune.net has benefitted from an increase in Zune Social usage. But I wonder if this also includes every time your Zune Software checks for new podcasts or refreshes ZuneCard info. In any case, its good news and a step in the right direction. Eventually, I believe we'll see some level of advertising in Zune Social...probably effective when Zune Social has reached about 10 million active users. Do we have any information how many Zune's have been sold? Have we reached 4 million yet?

06-25-2008, 08:29 PM
That's actually not a bad idea. I would like if there was a way to have a zune proximity detector :)

two things would need to happen.

1. Microsoft would need to leave on by default the wireless presence option on the zune, so like after every firmware update it defaults to on. Because a LOT of people have turned it off and that defeats the whole purpose of the Social.

2. There would need to be a visible alert on the device and also there needs to be an audible click or beep through the headphones. Actually it needs to be a sexy audible, not some default system beep.

06-25-2008, 08:49 PM
I think Zune Thoughts should set up an online poll.
How many Zune owners know someone else that owns a Zune?
Or a second question "Have you ever seen someone besides yourself using a Zune?"
I have never seen another Zune being used. Not at the gym, not on the train, nowhere. When I tell people I got a Zune, 90% of them have no clue what I am talking about.
So that sharing feature, yeah, that's a complete waste.

However I do like my Zune, I don't love it, but I like it.

I have seen Zens, Sansas, iPods, and even a few iRiver devices, but to this day never saw someone using a Zune.

06-25-2008, 09:20 PM
I am actually surprised by the amount of Zunes I have come across. I have a Zune (80), my girlfriend has one (4), my little brother (8). Now all of them are due to my influence. But I also have 2 cousins with one, and a neighbor. I know this because I always talk about the ipod and then a Zune owner always seems to pop up to support me. This has happened at school (college...UM), and at a family reunion. Also I have seen RANDOM 30gb Zunes
sneak out of peoples pockets. Now I have seen many iPhones but only 6 million have been sold worldwide. But 2 million Zunes have been sold. So simple math tells me that for every iPhone I see their should be a equal number of Zunes. This is due to my thinking that not all 6 of those millions could have come from the US like the Zune numbers have.

06-25-2008, 10:07 PM
1. Microsoft would need to leave on by default the wireless presence option on the zune, so like after every firmware update it defaults to on. Because a LOT of people have turned it off and that defeats the whole purpose of the Social.

I doubt enabling wireless presence on Zune would do anything to increase sharing. I mean, how often do you have the urge to share a song? I can see an artist wanting to share as way to interact with their fans. But for the average Joe..its gimicky if you ask me. I like other aspects of Zune Social and the potential for small groups to gather online, have some fun as they learn something about their favorite artists. Not there yet, much more work needed before people spend more time in Zune Social.

David Tucker
06-26-2008, 09:11 PM
Also I have seen RANDOM 30gb Zunes
sneak out of peoples pockets. Now I have seen many iPhones but only 6 million have been sold worldwide. But 2 million Zunes have been sold. So simple math tells me that for every iPhone I see their should be a equal number of Zunes. This is due to my thinking that not all 6 of those millions could have come from the US like the Zune numbers have.

Well, the problem is that most of those 6 million were in the US due to the fact that the iPhone was limited to pretty much the US for its first year. I would expect to see iPhones more than Zunes anyway since people take their phones out in places they don't take out their Zunes.

This has happened at school (college...UM), and at a family reunion.

University of Michigan or University of Miami? (Not that I approve of either. Go Gators!)

Phillip Dyson
06-27-2008, 02:14 PM
I think the thing that surprised me the most was when my girlfriend's 12 year old daughter, who owns an iPod, picked up my Zune 80 and knew exactly what it was.

I think the proximity notification is all the more important given the sparse population of Zune owners. Sure you can congregate online, but how about the option to "socialize" in the real world if I choose too. I may not want to talk to the person, but I could then look them up by their Zune ID online when I get home.

Plus it would help give us poor Zune owners a feeling of solidarity. :D

06-27-2008, 05:53 PM
University of Michigan or University of Miami? (Not that I approve of either. Go Gators!)

I don't care either (Miami) but the GATORS.........NOOOO.......ANyone but them.

06-27-2008, 06:15 PM
I think the proximity notification is all the more important given the sparse population of Zune owners.

***long quote trimmed by mod JD***

on top of the proximity notification, there should be a job on the zune that tries to send a song you predetermine to the newly found device. If the other person has auto accept on, they could build a huge playlist of shared songs and not even have to do anything.

Jason Dunn
06-30-2008, 04:46 PM
1. Microsoft would need to leave on by default the wireless presence option on the zune, so like after every firmware update it defaults to on. Because a LOT of people have turned it off and that defeats the whole purpose of the Social.

I disagree a bit - I don't think Microsoft ever designed the Zune's social elements for one stranger to swap songs with another stranger. Yes, you technically can do that, but how many people are going to trade music with a stranger? Almost no one. The wireless sharing features are instead aimed at people swapping music with their friends, or maybe friends of friends...someone that's connected to you in some way.

Who would want to be interrupted by a "bing" whenever a stranger with a Zune walked by? What, you're going to drop what you're doing and whip out your Zune to push songs at someone you don't know before they get out of range, and they'll do the same? Nah. Not realistic.

Jason Dunn
06-30-2008, 04:48 PM
I think Zune Thoughts should set up an online poll.
How many Zune owners know someone else that owns a Zune?

Unfortunately we don't yet have polling abilities here. It's something we still have to build into the system. :o

Phillip Dyson
07-11-2008, 04:29 PM
Who would want to be interrupted by a "bing" whenever a stranger with a Zune walked by? What, you're going to drop what you're doing and whip out your Zune to push songs at someone you don't know before they get out of range, and they'll do the same? Nah. Not realistic.

I agree with you on the whole "bing" thing. But I think if you use the word "social" then it bring tools like MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn to mind. One of the strengths of these sites is the ability to publish yourself to the world and connect with others. People you know and strangers alike.

I think something like having the Wifi inidcator flash or change colors would be sufficient and non-intrusive.