Ed Hansberry
08-23-2006, 08:00 PM
<a href="http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKNVI003.asp?order_platform=ce?ref=apwzwtzws">http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKNVI003.asp?order_platform=ce?ref=apwzwtzws</a><br /><br />Laridian has released a new book for its PocketBible 3 product, and this is one of the most requested translations I've seen asked for in the forums. It is the Nueva Versión Internacional, a contemporary Spanish translation from the original languages. As you can see by the image below, the verse numbers synchronize just fine with English translations, and presumably other books like commentaries.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2006/20060823-laridianspanish.gif" /><br /><br />The Nueva Versión Internacional is about 4.7MB is size and costs $19.99. You'll need the very latest release of PocketBible 3. If you already own PB3, the update is free. It can be ordered from <a href="https://laridiansales.com/order/basket.asp?order_platform=ce&ring=apwzwtzws">the Laridian order form</a> along with PocketBible 3 if you haven't yet purchased it.