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View Full Version : Obscure WinXP shutdown/startup utility: WHERE IS IT?

04-19-2006, 06:06 AM
A while back, I happenned across a post in some other computer-related site's forums where someone was trying to get their PC to shut down and restart quicker. A reply mentioned (and linked to) a utility on Microsoft's own website that actually optimizes the shutdown and startup processes. As this utility is pretty much in the same category as the Microsoft Powertoys, it is a utility that works very well, however is not actually supported my Microsoft, being simply a 'pet project' of some of the developers, rather than an actual, full blown product.
I downloaded and used this utility a few times, and likely even still have it on my hard drive. The only problem is that I can't remember the filename that it was posted under, or the name of the utility itself. I would be VERY greatful to anyone who can link me to the page on Microsoft's site where this utility is, or even an unofficial, but well-trusted site, that has it archived (if MS doesn't keep it on their site any more). If no one has a link, but has the utility themselves, please let me know what it is called, or the filename of the file you actually downloaded from Microsoft, so I can try to find it on my computer.
I have a folder where I keep most of my (non-multimedia) downloads, but I have SO much stuff in it (and in subfolders) that it's gotten to a point where anything I don't have categorized is nearly impossible to find. PLEASE let me know if you have a link or more info about this utility.

Thanks in advance!
Chris, aka k1darkknight

04-19-2006, 06:23 AM
The only two I can think of included in XP are shutdown.exe - cmdline based shutdown, used to do remote shutdown/restart/power offs as well

Or tssShutDn.exe originally in win2k to shutdown Terminal Servers but is still there and will do a workstation as well

The Windows NT Resource Kit comes with two interesting utilities called SHUTCMD.EXE and SHUTGUI.EXE which you can find inside the \i386\netadmin directory.

The command to shutdown the local PC would be:
to be issued at the DOS command prompt.

remote shutdown just add \\machinename and /Y


Here's a write up on another util called UPHCLEAN with MS links.


Report back if any of these work.


Darius Wey
04-19-2006, 06:25 AM
Are you referring to BootVis.exe? I don't think it's available on the Microsoft site anymore, but you can certainly Google it to dig up a few sites still hosting it.

But note that contrary to popular belief, it's more of a performance tracking tool than a tool to tweak system startup and shutdown times.

04-19-2006, 07:55 AM
THAT's the other one I was racking my mind to remember.

Yea, I think it was more of a tracking tool that let you see what was what - then you could tweak manually- sort of a perfmon/msconfig hybrid.

That article I linked is interesting as well for tweaking startup/shutdown.


04-20-2006, 07:26 AM
Are you referring to BootVis.exe?
YES! Thanks SO much...I'm pretty sure I still have that on my computer, but I couldn't remember its name for the life of me. PPCT to the rescue again!

Chris, aka k1darkknight

04-20-2006, 07:57 AM

I'm sure Darius takes Paypal or a nice bottle of Turkey Flat Cabernet from their Barossa Vineyards.


Just kidding, he actually does all this for free - although I think he gets to feed his gadget addiction through this gig. ;)


Darius Wey
04-20-2006, 08:04 AM
...although I think he gets to feed his gadget addiction through this gig. ;)

Haha, I do what I do because I solemnly believe in helping people maximise their experiences with gadgets. Technology would be boring otherwise. 8)

04-20-2006, 02:11 PM
Uh huh, so, you've kicked the gadget addiction?

Darius Wey
04-20-2006, 02:17 PM
Uh huh, so, you've kicked the gadget addiction?

A geek's gadget addiction never fades. You and I both know that.

04-21-2006, 08:36 PM

A timely article I saw today from CNet on some common tweaks for speeding up your PC"s boot time.
