View Full Version : Fitaly 3.5 Released - Win One Of Ten Copies!
Ed Hansberry
01-19-2005, 04:00 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Fitaly 3.5 has been released by Textware, with the primary enhancement being VGA support. There have been a few other tweaks as well. Overall, the size of Fitaly 3.5 is smaller than 3.0, which is very important on an app such as this that must be loaded in RAM. :way to go: You may start to see skins for the keyboard too as they changed the way the bitmaps work.<br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />So, here is the contest. Reply in this thread your funniest reason for why you <i><b>wouldn't</b></i> want to use Fitaly. The crazier the better. I'll lock this thread by Friday and, with the help of the folks at Textware, pick the winners this weekend and announce them by Monday or Tuesday.<br /><br />If you are an existing Fitaly 3.0 owner, there are two upgrade paths. If you purchased it within the last 6 months, 3.5 is a free upgrade, so you don't need to enter the contest. You can still put in a funny entry though and just say "No Prize Needed" in the first line of the post. if you purchased it more than 6 months ago, then the upgrade is $15.
01-19-2005, 04:03 PM
Actually I have 2 reasons....
1.- To annoy my boss asking him to repeat himself while taking notes at meetings while I tap with my finger on the built in keyboard, pressing 2-3 keys at each attempt
2.- To spend a lot of time trying to figure out the Graffiti-ish implementation on my pocketpc
01-19-2005, 04:03 PM
I hate typing!! :oops: :wink:
01-19-2005, 04:12 PM
Because I am blond and the keyboard is all different and stuff. It is hard enough to type, chew gum, talk on the phone, and twirl my hair if the keyboard was normal. So then I was like......
:roll: it was worth a shot....
01-19-2005, 04:18 PM
I wouldnt use it cause i prefer PHM Character map for input: i can get all chars(including ~ˇ^˘°˛`˙´˝¨¸÷×$ߤ!), and i can do an awesome 5 word/per minute!!
01-19-2005, 04:20 PM
1. because I enjoy the 3-5 minutes a day when things slow down while I try to input a new contact with the person impatiently standing next to me thinking how inefficient these devices are.
2. because I don't need the temptation of becoming an uber-inputer that competes in the Fitaly competition.
3. because I think I would rather wait and get the infarred keyboard thingy
4. because I am a law student and if I do work on my pocket pc without fitaly I will be able to bill more hours at astronimically high prices to clients next year.
01-19-2005, 04:21 PM
the number one reason why I wouldn't want to use Fitaly - I'm blind and there isn't a brail version.
no insult intended to the actual blind readers.
Vincent M Ferrari
01-19-2005, 04:28 PM
Oh well. It would be nice to have the neat colors and such. I just don't have a 2003 SE device. As, I imagine, most WM users don't.
Thanks for the upgrade, guys!
01-19-2005, 04:33 PM
The kids would think something is wrong with the keyboard and quit asking me to "use" my PPC.
01-19-2005, 04:33 PM
Why wouldn't I use FITALY?
I can think of a couple reasons:
1. Because I don't have opposable thumbs.
2. Because I have a tiny bluetooth keyboard in my mouth
3. Because I invented QWERTY, and now I'm sad
4. Because I have a beautiful Axim X50v, and I'm not worthy of touching it or even thinking about it (Oops.). I carry it around in a static-free hermetically sealed pouch and use PENCIL v3.5.
5. Because I don't know how to speak FITALIAN.
I could mind melt with my X50v.
01-19-2005, 04:35 PM
If I switch now how will my cat leave me messsages. QWERTY was hard enough and he still refuses to hold a pencil.
01-19-2005, 04:44 PM
What would it help if I could type faster than I can think?
01-19-2005, 04:44 PM
Because I like typing so much I like to draw it out and have it take as long as possible so I can savour the flavour of typing! Ooooh the joy!
My primary reason for not using Fitaly would have to be that I still can't get it to work on my X50v :evil: I can install it just fine, it shows up in the IM selection, but when I select Fitaly it still shows the PPC keyboard.
01-19-2005, 04:47 PM
Because I have no fingers.
And if I did then I'd end up typing like one of them non-it literate people, looking for each key.
My main reason I wouldn't use Fitaly is:
I had a perfectly good copy of V3 which I was very happy with on my Axim X5, but when I upgradeded to my X50v and moved my Fitaly across it wouldn't work. Now Textware are expecting me to pay $15 to get there software to work again...
I'm more than willing to pay upgrade charges on software, but don't feel that V3.5 is an upgrade to V3, merely a bug fix (accepted Textware couldn't be expected to have V3 work correctly on the unreleased VGA machines), but SBSH software have bent over backwards to provide free upgrades to fix VGA issues in PocketBreeze, ContactBreeze and PocketWeather.
If version 4 has some amazing new feature I may think about upgrading, but for me I'm not upgrading on principle.
01-19-2005, 04:55 PM
I would not use Fitaly? Because I use my Chocolate Lab's teeth as stylus, and they are the proper disstance between each of the qwerty keyboard keys. The distances between the Fitaly keys are different, so I have will have to retrain the dog!
01-19-2005, 05:08 PM
Because Fitaly sounds like Italy which reminds me of red clam sauce which always gets all over me when I wear a white shirt. So if I used Fitaly, I would never be able to wear a white shirt while using my PPC. Just one of those Freudian pieces of underwear, I guess.
01-19-2005, 05:12 PM
Why would I want to upgrade to a full-sized FITALY keyboard? With the trial of the old version, I've found that I may have a future as a neurosurgeon after trying to type on that ittty bitty FITALY 3.0 keyboard display :|
01-19-2005, 05:13 PM
Because I like to show my iPaq who's boss by correcting Transcriber constantly.
01-19-2005, 05:13 PM
Because I just got back from the eye doctor and my eyes are so dialated I can't see anything. I'd have to hold the PPC two inches from my face.
01-19-2005, 05:14 PM
I can also think of a couple of reasons:
1. I'm still using my ppc2002 Jornada 567! Oh, the horror!
2. I don't have VGA (see #1)
3. I don't have Windows Mobile 2003, nor Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (see #1)
4. Ok, so I was a little sad about my Jornada, but here is my last reason -- if you spell Fitaly backwards, it is YLATIF, and it actually stands for You Lazy Ass, This Is Faster!, and I don't want to be called an Ass.
So there,
01-19-2005, 05:18 PM
Because I find it difficult enough to find the @ symbol when I have to use an azerty keyboard - who knows how long it will take me with fitaly???
01-19-2005, 05:23 PM
Because I have no idea how to pronounce the app name, and so would be embarrassed and shamed if anyone asked me what it was called.
01-19-2005, 05:30 PM
...because I want to be smarter than my keyboard!
01-19-2005, 05:41 PM
I’ R exlly net reel Fit Hy beaus I ID’just Fine ns I nm with trnas sr riber ,
01-19-2005, 05:42 PM
Because I would have to read the was hard enough to read and understand how to enter this contest. I think I will take a nap.
01-19-2005, 05:47 PM
OK, this is what I got so far:
Can you continue from there again?
01-19-2005, 05:53 PM
I wouldn't use it because Transcriber is psychic -
I tried to write
The Beatles are great
and I got
Paul McCartney is dead
01-19-2005, 05:53 PM
i don"f nead it belausc chanacter relognitior works grcat for me. Thank y0u anyway.
01-19-2005, 06:04 PM
I won't use it because FITALY means "slow" on my planet
01-19-2005, 06:05 PM
i don"f nead it belausc chanacter relognitior works grcat for me. Thank y0u anyway.
Hilarious - I nominate you for a winner.
01-19-2005, 06:23 PM
Because if I like it I won't be able to pronounce it properly to praise it... :puppydogeyes:
similar problem I have with LInux and LINux...
01-19-2005, 06:28 PM
Change scares me. I'm just barely able to handle the new technology of the ppc. Changing the keyboard layout would just send me over the edge. 8O
The real reason is because I don't have WM2003 SE.
01-19-2005, 06:38 PM
Why would anyone want fitaly! to enter text at 50 wpm, sheesh! I'm just fine filling out forms with the built in soft keyboard at a steady 10 wpm. And why would I want to learn a new keyboard method, even if it only took 10 minutes! I think anyone using fitaly is just plain lazy. I mean, when my dad was just a boy, he had to walk up hill against the wind and rain for 10 miles to get to school, both ways! :boohoo: :treadmill:
01-19-2005, 06:52 PM
Because version 3.5 works only on WM 2003 Second Edition, and i have an iPAQ 2210 :evil:
01-19-2005, 06:52 PM
It's all a scam, I tell ya!
First they let you write faster, then they'll start selling memory chips!
01-19-2005, 06:59 PM
that's why...
(And I'm not making this up: original from the fitaly website (
01-19-2005, 07:00 PM
I dno't need ftilay scine teh hamun biarn can raed tihs awanyy. Acocrdnig to resaecrh dnoe in teh BBC nwes. As lnog as teh frsit and lsat lttres are in teh smae pcale teh hamun brian can pcoress teh wrod as a wohle.
If taht is so, tehn Fatily is a ueselss aplpiciotan awanyy. Can you raed tihs? If so get yuor menoy bcak for all tohse egnilsh lossens.
01-19-2005, 07:11 PM
Of all the possible languages available, it still doesn't support Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
Chris Spera
01-19-2005, 07:16 PM
I wouldn't use Fitaly because my brain is qwerty base 2. I based my entire degree in English and Technical Writing and my professional writing career on tactile, out dated technology; and my brain is too old to make a switch to something that would most likely make my Pockect PC a better value added solution for my mobile needs... Besides, the Search and Destroy method of tapping out text with the default, keyboard SIP satsfies the queryty base 2 needs of just about everyone.
01-19-2005, 07:21 PM
After I purchased Fitaly I would take a notepad with me everywhere because I was so slow using Fitaly that I needed to write everything down on paper first and then copy it to the pocketpc as I had time. Eventually I got up to speed (still pretty slow). The only other reason I wouldn't use Fitaly is that you have to access the "@" sign from other screens so it is not great for emails.
Because Transcriber is such a superior entry system that there is really no reason to change to anything else. I am to cheap to buy the software to make my life easier!
I never win anything anyway....
01-19-2005, 07:49 PM
I wouldn't use Fitaly because everytime I see it it makes me want to throw up in my mouth then drink it and throw up again. :pukeface2: I'd never get any work done if I were throwing up all the time!
01-19-2005, 08:07 PM
Why I wouldn't use it?
Um what was it again? Fitaly? Thats a finishing move in Mortal Kombat right? Mortal Kombat isn't even out for a pocket pc, so you're pulling my leg. This is a joke thread.
01-19-2005, 08:19 PM
I wouldn't use Fitaly because my blond girlfriend would spend ours trying to order the keys back to querty.
Rapid tapping action could attract woodpeckers.
01-19-2005, 09:24 PM
I wouldn't want Fitaly because it's obviously not laid out correctly for us touch-typers. I just got finished having my fingers narrowed and stylus tips installed so I can touch type on the built-in keyboard. Fitaly would make all that pain and expense useless.
01-19-2005, 09:45 PM
Using FITALY would make me angry at myself for blowing $100 on an external keyboard.
01-19-2005, 09:45 PM
Because I start to feel like a woodpecker when I'm tapping too fast on my PDA....
Kurt Hunciker
01-19-2005, 09:51 PM
For two reasons:
1. I would buy it if it was "BITALY". But "FITALY" -- no go.
2. I would to feel inadequate when comparing my input speed to that of the Dom Perignon award winners.
(P.S. I own a copy and already feel inadeqate. Nevertheless, it works great!) :way to go:
01-19-2005, 09:52 PM
because real keyboards have only three rows of letters.
Damion Chaplin
01-19-2005, 10:00 PM
I won't use Fitaly because I've seen the PDAs used on the Enterprise, and they don't use Fitaly, so it's obviously not the wave of the future.
I'll wait for LCARS mobile 2357 SE, thanks!
01-19-2005, 10:14 PM
Bueno, daré las razones en castellano:
Simplemente porque tengo que acostumbrarme a un nuevo formato, y por lo general las palabras sugeridas vienen en inglés.
01-19-2005, 10:23 PM
I won't use it because I am working on my own version of an input panel that only has 1 button, reads your mind every time you tap that button and adds the correct letter.
If it's really cold you can achieve 274 words a minute.
It also gets interesting if you let a woodpecker peck the screen.
01-19-2005, 10:49 PM
Cuz its not pimp enuff! 0X :ladysman: :alfdance: :rainbowafro: :rofl: :snipersmile: :drinking: :pimp: :rock on dude!:
01-19-2005, 10:49 PM
Doesn't "Fitaly" mean "From Italy"? Thus, I guess it would write everying in italics.
Also, the Italian language only uses 25 phomemes, while English has 40! So, wouldn't Fitaly have trouble with American words like chutzpah, rendezvous, amigo, mea culpa, and kimono?
01-19-2005, 10:51 PM
Because the only reason I'd need a VGA version is because I just shelled out $650 for a new iPaq 4700 and my "toy" account is EMPTY!
Jason Lee
01-19-2005, 11:06 PM
Fitaly?! I dunno how ta play tha banjo or a geetar must less a Fitaly. Y'all must be crazy.... 8O
Why do I NOT need Fitaly?
Manicula Multesimia
[New Latin : Latin manicula, "small hand" + multesimus 'very small']
A disease affecting the hands, causing them to shrink to tiny proportions. In classic folklore, thought to be the source of the admonition "It will stunt your growth" due to afflicted parties being unusually drawn to the smoking of large cigars in a futile effort to quash the rumors of a direct correlation between the size of the hands and the size of the male genitallia and the obvious source of the phrase "Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar".
My name is David and I suffer from Manicula Multesimia. MM (as it's commonly referred) is a debilitating handicap making it impossible to type on a normal keyboard, and PDAs with the touch sensitive screen and built in QWERTY keyboard have given us new hope. Now I can touch type at over 80 words per minute and interact with my computer as would anyone with a normal keyboard and fingers (although small children will point and stare as I sit at Starbucks hunched over my iPAQ typing with my demi-demi-demi-tasse sitting nearby).
In fact, most people don't realize that the development of the PDA and it's on-screen keyboard was primarly funded by PALMM (the Philanthropic Adjunct to the League of Manicula Multesimia) but the Pilot program stemming from research proved an incomplete solution so it was scrapped in favor of the more complete and robust aid to the sufferers of this dread disease.
Now, with my pocket-PC at my side, I can walk down the street with my head heald as high as anyone else carrying their trusty laptop with it's absurdly large keyboard. However, I don't want to hear any jokes about the correlation of the size of people's fingers to other appendages typical of the male anatomy just because I drive a fast sports car. Heard it 1000 times before and I'm just tired of it.
01-19-2005, 11:51 PM
Why wouldn't I use Fitaly?
Because I don't even know where f-italy is located. How can I use it if I can't locate it.
01-20-2005, 12:30 AM
i would not use FITALY because it sounds like a russian ex-president mobster causing my american co-workers to go wild as soon as I would say:
"I couldnt live without Fitaly anymore"
"since I found FITALY I have no more problems ... Fitaly just gets rid of them"
"Yesterday in that meeting I would have been lost without Fitaly ... everything speeds up so nicely"
As soon as I say (while picking up something for lunch) I hope i wont need Fitaly to keep me on track at this meeting.
Now after mistaking my lunch break for russian weapon deal ill have to do some explaining.
So i better stick to the Transcriber which sounds more like a hobby morse coder than a russian weapon dealer
01-20-2005, 12:48 AM
I'z cain't have no fitaly 'cause I'z frum da deep south and my woman sayz it ain't fair fer me to type faser den I can talk...
Ya knows?
All kidding aside, no offense to us "rednecks" and all, but I've never even tried Fitaly.
01-20-2005, 01:14 AM
Because anything other than a QWERTY keyboard gives an old man like me "fits".
In fact, if I do win a copy, give it to someone else... :devilboy:
Easy - I don't have a Pocket PC. :lol:
I do wish there was a Zaurus version though. We do have JumpX which is a Fitaly copy - just not a VGA version.
If I happen to win (remote chance since I never win anything), please pass the prize to the next person.
01-20-2005, 01:18 AM
Why don't I want to use fitaly?
If I use fitaly all VPs and upper level management will be questioning if i fit a lie (ly) because of my extended delivery dates on my projects. But, no!!! I don't!!!!!!! I use a regular keyboard that allows me to type slower; not allowing me to "slide" my way into being the "Capital" Team player or being an "Advisory" Level Engineer, not allowing me to give shortcuts to decrease my time to market for my last design. All, because upper management thinks I fit a lie.....But, no!!!!..... they did it to me by saying we didn't have funds to buy fitaly to make you more productive.... so I go day to day using my regular keyboard so that I don't fit a lie... so that I can keep my job.....retire with my pension and live on social security.......and i say again... no!!!!.... I don't fit a lie!!!!!!! Or do I?
So, don't you think.. this is a good reason not to use fitaly?.... My family sure does!!!! :cry:
01-20-2005, 02:20 AM
Because I have trouble spelling FiTaLy whereas Qwerti is a lot ezier to remember :wink:
01-20-2005, 02:27 AM
I wouldn't want to use Fitaly, because when the cat headbumps my hand, I would get "lLaif".
ALY (McBeal) ain't FIT, she's as skinny as a rod! Frankly, I don't want her inside my pocket!
Now if they name this FITJENI (Garner) ...
C Sammet
01-20-2005, 02:44 AM
I wouldn't use f-italy because some aliens told me it was part of their vast mind control experiment meant to make life easier and draw humans into a false sense of lassi-fare. Then when we all think life is wonderful they will pounce and take away all of these wonderful tools like f-italy making us beg them to give it back.. What a devious plan it is..........
01-20-2005, 03:49 AM
Here are my reasons:
I don't want to go past the speed limit. (5 WPM or my fingers are locked up)
I don't want to confuse my Pocket PC with screen taps in the text entry area too frequently.
I like moving in slow motion.
Len Egan
01-20-2005, 04:09 AM
I wouldn't want to use fitaly because I use my Pig-Latin voice Command to enter data into my Axim. Istlay otenays!
01-20-2005, 04:18 AM
I wouldnt use Fitaly because my wife found out about my girlfriend and threw my brand spankin (and I do mean spanking) new X50v at me and cracked the screen, so what the heck am I going to install it on? Oh well here kitty kitty
01-20-2005, 05:54 AM
Isn't that one of Ferrari's test drivers?
Mr. Resistor
01-20-2005, 06:18 AM
I wish I could have typed faster,
Transcriber's a complete disaster.
Recognzer's a joke
I've tried them all---I'm broke.
And Calligrapher takes too long to master.
Fitaly, diddilly do.
I refuse to use it too??
My brain is so numb.
I And know I sound dumb
But my mind must be turning to goo.
01-20-2005, 06:55 AM
Using Fitaly would be no fun, then I'd have to actually do something constructive with the time I save. After all, I've gotten accustomed to typing away so slowly that I forget what I'm... er... what is this again? Fitaly? Right. But I do like having my $500 PDA stand in as a cheap, self-garbling piece of paper.
Darius Wey
01-20-2005, 06:59 AM
Because version 3.5 works only on WM 2003 Second Edition, and i have an iPAQ 2210 :evil:
I hate to break the bad news to you, but v3.5 works fine on WM2003. I've tested it. :mrgreen:
01-20-2005, 07:57 AM
Why wouldn't I use...
Then my spouse would ask me to take notes for everything!!! :roll:
01-20-2005, 08:29 AM
I would never use Fitaly because it is too old fashioned for my taste! I prefer the new way of inputting text: a telepathic syncrotextation module! It is a module that plugs into my Pocket PC and reads my mind to get the text I want to input and then does so automatically. It is quite remarkable and very quick.
01-20-2005, 09:25 AM
I think fitaly is made by a company that is secretly owned by palmone to ruin the windows mobile world.
If I am to use fitaly, I wouldn't have to buy XDA IIs, because I no longer need the sliding keypad.
If a lot of people uses the above logic, HTC (the maker of XDAs) will go broke and there won't be any cool window mobile devices to kick some treo 650 arse.
And palmone will rule the world.
Fitaly ? No way :p
p.s. When I pronounced F-italy out loud, I feel like I am cursing a country in europe.
01-20-2005, 10:45 AM
Because version 3.5 works only on WM 2003 Second Edition, and i have an iPAQ 2210 :evil:
I hate to break the bad news to you, but v3.5 works fine on WM2003. I've tested it. :mrgreen:
Hello, i've tried to install from desktop, and it said my device is not supported. So after reading your post, i've downloaded the cab and installed it directly on my ipaq, and it's working! Thanks for the tip! :D
I wouldn't want to use it since
- it doesn't look like a normal keyboard and I'd spend more time trying to figure it out than actually typing anything.
- it can't be skinned and is rather ugly.
- I've learnt how to speak bluetoothian and can input text directly by just talking to the bluetooth port on my device.
01-20-2005, 11:04 AM
No Fitaly for me either. I'm pretty happy with my TO SA BT keyboard :)
I don't like the name.
(erm a real reason could be that I'd want a localized version)
BTW, I don't have a PDA... this could be a good reason, no?
Because the only reason I'd need a VGA version is because I just shelled out $650 for a new iPaq 4700 and my "toy" account is EMPTY!
bad choice
nobody's perfect
how much do you plan on selling it?
Paul Martin
01-20-2005, 02:26 PM
I wouldn't want Fitaly because it might disrupt my studies in typing by osmosis...I place the PDA under my pillow at night, think deep thoughts, and then see what I've written in the morning. I figure there's a government grant available for this type of project somewhere. However, were I to have Fitaly, I might be turned down and I could really use the money!
01-20-2005, 02:38 PM
I wouldn't use FITALY because I am using VNC and a cell-phone instead - VNC to see my desktop and a cell phone to tell my secretary what to type on my desktop keyboard.
01-20-2005, 08:22 PM
I believe the callygrafer mofia will take out too many of my family members if I install fitaly. :evil:
01-20-2005, 09:14 PM
For those of you who don't read binary :wink: , you can convert my message here
Fitality? Why would I want that? Are you actually thinking that I accomplish anything on a pocket pc!? I bought my pocket pc just mearly to have a high priced toy to swing around to command respect and attention. As I try with great determination to do even the simplest of tasks on my pocket pc, my technology deprived friends say amongst themselves "Wow, look at how much work he's doing!! He must be a leet geek!!"
What can I say, I'm lazy and with my well kept secret, I can continue to woo friends and family alike completely distracting them from my true ways. Even better, if my secret was discovered, I can go right into Microsoft bashing by blaming the whole problem on the lovely Transcriber that is provided, as well as the built in keyboard that was designed for Chineese with needle fine chopsticks (no offense to the Chineese, of course). My secret identity is safe and the the world adores their favorite leet geek... :D
Why would I want to shoot my fake personality in the foot by using this software? I would have no legitimate reason to explain my difficulty with this keyboarding software. The only excuse I could provide, if my secret was known, was that the keyboard is too difficult to learn... that would reveal another secret that I am stup... well, I shouldn't reveal too much... Fitality is not for me!
So, watch me furiously work on my pocket pc and be amazed at my technological prowess!! and don't tell anybody 0X
01-21-2005, 02:59 AM
My main reason I wouldn't use Fitaly is:
I had a perfectly good copy of V3 which I was very happy with on my Axim X5, but when I upgradeded to my X50v and moved my Fitaly across it wouldn't work. Now Textware are expecting me to pay $15 to get there software to work again...
I'm more than willing to pay upgrade charges on software, but don't feel that V3.5 is an upgrade to V3, merely a bug fix (accepted Textware couldn't be expected to have V3 work correctly on the unreleased VGA machines), but SBSH software have bent over backwards to provide free upgrades to fix VGA issues in PocketBreeze, ContactBreeze and PocketWeather.
If version 4 has some amazing new feature I may think about upgrading, but for me I'm not upgrading on principle.
I was going to post something to this effect, but the OP has summarized my thoughts for the most part. This "upgrade" charge will cause a number of Fitaly users, who have acquired a new VGA machine, to look elsewhere for an input strategy as a matter of principle. Charging for a bugfix to existing users... who do they think they are? Microsoft?
01-21-2005, 05:17 AM
I.) Because I already have at least 5 input methods on my device
II.) I can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time :roll:
III.) I can only type 55 words per minute on a desktop keyboard
IV.) I am currently "slow as molassis" when it comes to entering anything into my Pocket PC, so what use would another input method be?
V.) I can't believe that it is physically possible to type over 50 wpm on soft-key input; but then again I've never tried to achieve such dangerous typing speeds, as I might drop my stylus into my bowl of chicken soup. :wink:
Erwin Franz
01-21-2005, 06:18 AM
What if I end up getting the hang of it, enter one of those “Dom Perignon Contests” and win!!!
Then I would have to videotape myself proving my entry wasn’t rigged, no thanks :(
I rather tap the QWERTY keyboard a bit hard so people around me can hear and think I’m very productive :)
Besides, using Fitaly would be like cheating; let the slower ones use all the help they can get ;)
01-21-2005, 06:58 AM
Because it's useful for entering spaces and line breaks and stuff?
01-21-2005, 10:53 AM
For those of you who don't read binary :wink: , you can convert my message here
Hah! And you exposed a bug in the forum code - it doesn't break loooooooooooooooong words :-)
01-21-2005, 10:54 AM
The most obvious reason I wouldn't want to use it is that I type to fast already. Currently, at half speed, the screen starts smoking, and a full speed I have to keep a bucket of water nearby to douse the flames. If I typed any faster on my PPC, it would create a vortex so powerful that the whole world would be engulfed.....
And that's assuming I'm using my left hand!
01-21-2005, 03:34 PM
With my Doctor like horrible handwriting and my dyslexia ... I would be afraid that when describing something sassy it would come out asssy. It's also hard to do "one handed" transcribing with the pda sliding around the desk.
01-21-2005, 03:51 PM
I would not use Fitaly because of the horrible damage it will cause to the device. By having the most commonly used letters located around a central point, you will cause more stress to that section of the touchscreen. The more you type, the more you will be pounding around that one small section. This will weaken the structural integrity of the device and eventually lead to total failure of the touchscreen.
01-21-2005, 04:16 PM
a) because I'd rather get RSI from using the hunt and peck approach and then could sue the pocket pc manufacturers and afford a copy of fitaly anyway.
b) because then I'd have to admit I rather liked it after being rude about it in the past!
01-21-2005, 05:05 PM
Because I'm a racist jerk. I hate Fitalians and their country!
Hmm...maybe I just need to get to know them.... :wink:
01-21-2005, 05:38 PM
Fitaly who?
I really don't need a fitness program on my PocketPC
01-21-2005, 07:08 PM
I have a tremor and my PocketPC's all overheat trying to figure out what I wrote in trincscribblerrr.
01-21-2005, 09:37 PM
I don't speak Fitalian.
Will T Smith
01-21-2005, 09:49 PM
because Fitaly requires that you do some training and invest yourself. And we all know that investing in ourselves is a waste of time and money ;-)
01-21-2005, 11:58 PM
Me, use Fitaly? You must be joking. Why would I want to admit that it beats the rest of the competition?
Ed Hansberry
01-22-2005, 12:07 AM
ok ok ok. THis is enough. Man, some of these are REALLY bad. 8O :lol:
Locked pending selection of 10 lucky future FITALY owners.
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