Jason Dunn
02-23-2004, 07:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=SVBIZINK3.story&STORY=/www/story/02-23-2004/0002114065&EDATE=MON+Feb+23+2004,+02:00+AM' target='_blank'>http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/s...+2004,+02:00+AM</a><br /><br /></div>"Visto Corporation, the leading provider of personal and corporate mobile messaging solutions to wireless operators for the broadest set of mobile device platforms, today announced Visto Mobile Personal Edition(TM). Visto Mobile Personal Edition is a flexible set of custom-branded applications and services that let wireless operators provide subscribers with real-time, secure, remote access to their corporate and personal email, PIM and other files directly from their wireless devices. With the Visto Mobile Personal Edition mobile operators can address a broad range of market segments that include individual subscribers, SOHO (Small Office, Home office), and mobile professionals working for medium and large enterprises. It can be integrated with the wireless operator's networks so that operators can effectively manage billing, user provisioning and customer support.<br /><br />Visto Mobile Personal Edition provides wireless access to Microsoft(R)Exchange and Outlook(TM), Lotus Domino/Notes corporate email, calendar, address book and desktop-accessible files, as well as to multiple personal/Internet (POP3) mailboxes. Visto supports all popular wireless PDAs/phones using Palm OS (including the new Handspring / palmOne Treo 600), Windows Mobile (Pocket PC and Smartphone, including Windows Mobile 2003), and Symbian platforms, J2ME devices, as well as enhanced wireless phones with WAP browsers. Visto also supports IMAP and SyncML-based email clients on mobile devices."<br /><br />Visto claims to be the leading provider, but I haven't heard of them before - is anyone here familiar with their services? I'd like to learn more about what they have to offer, because it sounds intriguing.